A booklet of revision tasks for A Level Law Students. The booklet is a revision booklet designed to support students in completing one interleaving homework task per week. There are 5 tasks in the booklet to cover a full half-term.
Scaffold and support included with each task.
Topics Covered:
Vicarious Liability
Rylands v Fletcher
Non-Fatal Offences
Marking Tokens for all Questions across all 3 papers.
Includes grade boundaries and a section for teacher comments.
Staple to the front of student essays for clear and visible feedback.
Key Cases for Criminal Law. All Cases are formatted in tables and split into topics. Each case includes the facts and an explanation of the key points of law.
Each sheet contains the definition of the right, the theory behind the right and how this has been interpreted/protected by English Legal provisions. It also contains a list of potential topics that could come up in a scenario as well a recommended structure for answering a scenario question and key cases. All presented in an engaging and colourful format.
Study booklet containing notes, tips and activities for Human Rights and English Law.
Designed to complement the OCR text book, students complete the booklet consolidating their understanding of this topic.
Includes: Public order offences: Restricting Article 10 and 11
Police Powers: Articles 5 and 6
Interception of communications: restricting Article 8
Duty of confidentiality: rights under Articles 8 and 10
Also includes links to wider disciplinary reading to stretch and challenge pupils.
Practice questions for the OCR H018 Spec, but can easily be adapted.
8 and 12 mark questions on:
The English Legal Sysytem
Law Making
20 mark scenario questions for criminal law
20 mark evaluative questions for the criminal law section of Paper 1
20 mark Tort Law Scenario Questions
20 mark Tort Law Evaluation Questions
Booklet to compliment the OCR textbook - explores how Human Rights are enforced by the UK Courts
Notes, activities, key cases and review questions to scaffold and support students’ learning.
Also includes disciplinary reading to encourage students to read around the subject.
Each half term there are three super-curriculum tasks to engage, challenge and stretch students. These follow a structured format including:
1 x article
1 x podcast
1 x video/documentary
All tasks are linked to a relevant area of the A Level Curriculum.
3 Interleaving homework booklets with a variety of revision tasks and essays for students.
Each resource includes
A range of tasks
A revision Checklist of essential knowledge for each task
A how to answer structure strip